Autosomal recessive inheritance

People have two copies of each gene, one inherited from their mother and the other from their father. Autosomal recessive disorders develop only when two mutated copies of a certain gene were inherited. Most autosomal recessive disorders are severe and often fatal. They usually manifest during infancy. Examples of disorders with an autosomal recessive inheritance […]

Chromosome translocations

which genetic tests diagnose chromosomal translocations? Chromosome translocations are a condition in which genetic information located on a certain chromosome is exchanged by a genetic fragment located on another chromosome (in different, non-homologous chromosomes). This type of mutation is considered the most common chromosome abnormality. According to current research, it appears that one in 600 […]

Colorectal cancer and personalized medicine – precision oncology and colon cancer treatment

Cancer is a biologically complex disease. During the malignant transformation process, significant genetic changes occur in the cells, that allow cancer to evade the body’s defense mechanisms. Many of the cell’s genes are linked to these defense mechanisms, a great number of mutations are needed for cancer to develop. The pathological process undergone by the […]

Pharmacogenomics – genetic optimization of drug therapy

In recent years, we have witnessed impressive advancements in genetic optimization of drug therapy. Healthcare providers can now tailor drug therapy to a patient’s personal genetic profile, to help increase the efficiency of treatment for severe diseases, and especially cancer. Personalized medicine is mostly implemented in breast cancer treatment but can also help treat other […]

Personalized medicine

Matching treatment to a patient’s genes modern medicine is constantly advancing. One of the most intensive and fascinating fields of research is personalized medicine (also known as precision medicine), based on each patient’s personal genetic makeup. Each of us has a unique genetic profile with different genes and traits. These differences in our genes cause […]

New genetic test detects a high risk of aggressive prostate cancer

Scientists have reported a new test that can predict which prostate cancer patients are at the highest risk for aggressive cancer and indicate whether they are at increased risk for treatment failure. The test was reported in the European Association of Urology conference and was published in The Journal of the National Cancer Institute. According […]