MammaPrint test for breast cancer

Breast cancer is considered the type of cancer with the most therapeutic options. Treatment is personalized for each patient according to histological grade, the patient’s age, the stage of the disease, and other factors. In early-stage breast cancer (stages 1 and 2), treatment often includes surgery (known as lumpectomy) to remove the tumor tissue and […]

Uterine cancer genetic testing – genetic testing for hereditary endometrial cancer

בדיקה גנטית למחלת סרטן הרחם

There are two main types of uterine cancer:  Endometrial cancer – which forms in the endometrium, a mucus membrane inside the uterus Uterine sarcoma – which forms in the uterine muscles and supporting tissue The chances of developing uterine cancer are around 1.5%. The average age of women diagnosed is 61 years. Most patients (85%) […]

Genetic screening for thyroid and endocrine cancer

Until several decades ago, the link between cancer and genetics remained vague. However, in recent years the genetic tendency to develop this disease has become clearer to research, and it is now known that certain people are at greater risk of developing this disease. This article will discuss hereditary thyroid and endocrine cancer. However, it […]

Genetic testing for melanoma – skin cancer – melanoma risk assessment

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that originates in cells called melanocytes. These cells produce the pigment melanin that controls skin pigmentation and protects skin from UV rays. Melanocytes are evenly distributed in the bottom part of the epidermis, which is the uppermost layer of our skin. Moles are created by a concentrated accumulation […]

Colon cancer genetic testing – genetic testing for hereditary colorectal cancer

Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. The chances of developing this disease are around 6.5%. This disease sometimes runs in families and around 35% of cases are hereditary and linked to a certain genetic disorder. Due to its high prevalence, screening tests such as colonoscopy or stool tests are recommended. Early […]

Genetic testing for ovarian cancer risk

Ovarian cancer is a common disease in women, it is known for its poor prognosis. This is a severe disease that unfortunately is usually diagnosed in its later stages, which leaves smaller chances of recovery. Research has recently discovered a strong genetic link between breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Today, it is possible to undergo […]