Genetic testing for Epidermolysis Bullosa – gene panel

Many genetic diseases have a known treatment. Other rare disorders remain unknown and without cure or treatment, despite being severe, lifelong conditions. One of these diseases is epidermolysis bullosa (also known as EB). This is a hereditary disease that is characterized by blistering of the skin. Our skin has several layers: an outer layer known […]

Sperm donor genetic screening – genetic testing for sperm donors

Sperm donor genetic screening – genetic testing for sperm donors Sperm donation has become a popular option for women who wish to be single mothers by choice. To prevent genetic diseases, sperm donors undergo comprehensive screening tests that can help ensure no genetic risks of inheriting genetic disorders. Moreover, if the mother-to-be has a genetic […]

Prenatal genetic counselling

Many couples choose to see a genetic counselor before, during or after the pregnancy. Prenatal genetic counselling can help provide answers to questions about possible genetic disorders. This procedure is an important part of monitoring the pregnancy. Most couples meet a genetic counselor before conceiving, as part of prenatal screening tests. In addition, many couples […]

Genetic tests during pregnancy – prenatal testing

Before and during the pregnancy, parents-to-be undergo different genetic screening tests according to their ethnic descent, family history of genetic diseases, and abnormal test results that could indicate a risk for a genetic disorder. Here is a short guide that will help you understand key terms and procedures related to prenatal testing. Genetic tests during […]

Chromosome abnormalities – chromosomal disorders

מחלות כרומוזומליות

Chromosomes are long, continuous molecules of DNA and protein. This is the specific form that genetic material takes in living things in the stage before mitosis (cell division). Humans normally have 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell. Twenty-two pairs are called autosomes and one pair made up of the sex chromosomes. Chromosome abnormalities are […]